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Tag Archives Vegetables


Truth is many people have a love-hate relationship with vegetables. But if you want to loose weight fast, and healthy, you have to make sure to add vegetables to your diet. If you aren’t eating vegetables, you aren’t getting all their amazing components like fiber, antioxidants, and other powerful phytochemicals.

Most people should aim for at least nine servings (which is about 4½ cups) of vegetables a day. Go for a variety of colors to give your body the mix of nutrients it needs. Add veggies like dark leafy greens, cooked tomatoes, and anything that’s a rich yellow, orange, or red color.

Here are 10 vegetables that are good for you, and easy to add to your diet.

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This is an excellent source of almost every vitamin and nutrient you need. Scientists believe a diet heavy in spinach may be able to prevent everything from heart disease to colon cancer, arthritis and osteoporosis. Spinach is the brilliant vegetable to eat when you’re trying to lose weight.


The veggie that’ll make you cry, is actually good for you is you’re suffering from, or at risk of osteoporosis. Onions are loaded with GPCS which scientists believe slows your body’s loss of calcium. Onions may also be useful in the fight against heart disease and diabetes because they have vitamin C and folate.


This is the disease-fighting vegetable, because it’s full of antioxidants that help reduce the risk of stomach, lung and rectal cancers. And because broccoli is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and folate, it is also good at boosting your immunity against colds and flus. When trying to lose weight, include plenty of broccoli in your diet. It contains no fat at all, and plenty of carbohydrate, which is great for keeping your energy levels up.


Peas aren’t just incredibly good for us! They’re easy to prepare, and have a sweet taste. Peas are high in fiber and vitamins, as well as many beneficial minerals. Although they’re sweet, they can help manage blood sugar.


This is one of the most nutritious plant you can eat. They are a powerhouse of nutrient density with a nutty and sweet flavor. Asparagus contains more dietary glutathione than any other vegetable or fruit. This phytochemical recycles vitamins C and E back to their active forms.


Cabbage has a lot of fiber, and is low in fat, calories and rich in vitamins and nutrients like vitamins C, A, K, thiamin, B6, folate, potassium, and manganese.


Beans are full of protein and dietary fibers, and are low in fat and they are high in fiber. The great thing about using them for weight loss is that they also count as a source of protein.


When eaten raw, carrots are high in vitamins A, K, and C and minerals. Carrots should be included among vegetables for losing weight, because of all the beta-carotene and fiber! The other good thing about carrots is that they are great eaten raw or cooked.

Sweet Potatoes

A medium-sized sweet potato (about the size of your fist) fulfills your daily requirement for vitamin A and provides 4 grams of fiber. You’ll save half the calories compared to a white potato.


The cucumber is one of the best vegetables for weight loss. It´s extremely low in calories and contains lots of water.

What are some of you favorite vegetables you love to eat?

baddie girl, girl talk, advice, eat good, smart, healthy, fitness, body, look good, baddie, baddie body, fruits, the best, lifestyle, eat

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