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To be perfectly imperfect, is to realize that you are not perfect and still love yourself.

In today’s society it seems as though everyone wants to be perfect, but that simply does not exist. Although you may not be perfect, you are so special, but you have to know that for yourself. It’s time you start loving your imperfect self.

Let those around you know that they are beautiful, special, and don’t be afraid to say that you love them as well. Uplift and inspire those people around you, you never know who you may be a blessing to.

Here are some ways to appreciate your perfectly imperfect self.


You’ve come through some tough situations. Looking from the outside in, some may not have even known you went through some of the things you overcame. Be happy that you are moving forward, and stay positive.


It’s easy to just move through this life in our normal routine. But stop. Realize how far you’ve come in whatever project you’re working on. It’s okay to appreciate you for your accomplishments. If you’ve tackled a big project its perfectly fine to eat a cupcake with a glass of wine. Don’t wait for anyone to celebrate with you, celebrate yourself with yourself.


There is beauty in the worst of days, but it’s up to you to find the beauty.  There is beauty in the things you may not like about yourself. You may feel as though you are one flawed individual, but you have to love on you and realize how beautiful you are, both inside and out.


Tomorrow is gone, and tomorrow hasn’t come, so focus on today. Stop over-thinking things that aren’t in your control. Enjoy today, and stop stressing what hasn’t had yet to come. So focus on the great things that are happening around you. 


Worrying will make you sick. When you find yourself in a situation where you instantly begin to worry, find positivity around you. Find something to smile about, and then laugh. To worry is to waste time. Disappointments happen. Everything won’t go the way you plan and people will not do the things you want them to or react the way you would like them to.


Don’t ever loose yourself in a job that isn’t your dream, or in helping someone else’s dream at all. I’ve done it, and it isn’t worth it. Know your worth. Know your voice and don’t let anyone try to dim your light. Know that you are special, and that you have something to offer this world. 

I hope you can realize through your imperfection you are perfection. God makes no mistakes.

How do you deal with loving yourself through your flaws and imperfections?

Baddie, Baddie Girl, Baddie Truth, Perfectly Imperfect, Loving Yourself, Stop Worrying, Finding Happiness

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Every woman wants to not only look sexy, but feel sexy from the inside out and this is what will make her a Baddie.


Sexy is a lot of things, but it has nothing to do with physical beauty or the “whole package.” Everyone is sexy in their own way. What is most important is personality.

But, when did sexy ever hurt anybody? It’s time we as women give sexy back its confidence, and find our confidence while embodying what sexy really means.

So are you wondering what is a baddie?

A Baddie is:

Beautiful. Being beautiful on the inside, and being open minded.

Respectful. Not demanding respect, but giving people respect to make them automatically respect you.

Trustworthy. Being a great listener, and someone that people can confide in and know that conversation won’t leave you two.

Intelligence. Being able to hold a, good, deep conversation while being comfortable about yourself and your surroundings.

Being you! Not caring what people say about you, and staying true to what makes you happy.

If we stop looking at a woman’s body and stop to see her soul, society would not be offended by the word sexy, or the fact that she considers herself to be a “Baddie.” However, many automatically think and see the physical attributes, and that is what makes a woman sexy, or a baddie.

If anything, confidence and passion while being humble and kind are some of the sexiest qualities needed to truly be a baddie.

It is time that we stop choosing body over spirit. If we do that, we will not be offended by the baddie mentality.

Let’s chat!

What does baddie mean to you?

baddie, baddie girl, girl talk, keep calm, message, brittney hood, blogazine, attitude, sexy, feel good, self worth, self love, love, pretty, cute, pearls, women, girls

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