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Tag Archives Winter


Winter is among us, and its now time to pull out our favorite, scarves, sweaters, and thigh high boots. Although those things are needed don’t forget these three items.


They’re colorful! They’re fun! But most importantly, they’re warm! Tights can brighten any outfit, and make your look complete. They even can go with all types of prints! If you don’t want to stop at colors, you can have designs too. You can choose tights that are covered in spots, have roses on them or an animal print.


You have to keep those hands pretty. Winter is already rough on our skin, so be sure to moisturize your hands, and keep them in gloves when you step out. What’s so nice about gloves is that they can match your coat, your scarf, and even your outfit! Just look at these. Who would have known that gloves could have so much personality.


I love a good purse, and I’m sure you do too! So why not continue to make a statement throughout the winter with a nice bag. You can still be colorful, but choose deeper colors, like burgundy, midnight blue or a deep brown. Check these purses out! They give style to the basic of outfits. So if you want to go all black one day, choose a purse that makes a statement.

What are some winter accessories that you can’t live without?

baddie, baddie girl, winter, look good, brittney hood, blogazine, accessories, feel good, sexy, style, fashion

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