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Neyara Nior By Posted on 0 2 m read 90 views
To be perfectly imperfect, is to realize that you are not perfect and still love yourself.

In today’s society it seems as though everyone wants to be perfect, but that simply does not exist. Although you may not be perfect, you are so special, but you have to know that for yourself. It’s time you start loving your imperfect self.

Let those around you know that they are beautiful, special, and don’t be afraid to say that you love them as well. Uplift and inspire those people around you, you never know who you may be a blessing to.

Here are some ways to appreciate your perfectly imperfect self.


You’ve come through some tough situations. Looking from the outside in, some may not have even known you went through some of the things you overcame. Be happy that you are moving forward, and stay positive.


It’s easy to just move through this life in our normal routine. But stop. Realize how far you’ve come in whatever project you’re working on. It’s okay to appreciate you for your accomplishments. If you’ve tackled a big project its perfectly fine to eat a cupcake with a glass of wine. Don’t wait for anyone to celebrate with you, celebrate yourself with yourself.


There is beauty in the worst of days, but it’s up to you to find the beauty.  There is beauty in the things you may not like about yourself. You may feel as though you are one flawed individual, but you have to love on you and realize how beautiful you are, both inside and out.


Tomorrow is gone, and tomorrow hasn’t come, so focus on today. Stop over-thinking things that aren’t in your control. Enjoy today, and stop stressing what hasn’t had yet to come. So focus on the great things that are happening around you. 


Worrying will make you sick. When you find yourself in a situation where you instantly begin to worry, find positivity around you. Find something to smile about, and then laugh. To worry is to waste time. Disappointments happen. Everything won’t go the way you plan and people will not do the things you want them to or react the way you would like them to.


Don’t ever loose yourself in a job that isn’t your dream, or in helping someone else’s dream at all. I’ve done it, and it isn’t worth it. Know your worth. Know your voice and don’t let anyone try to dim your light. Know that you are special, and that you have something to offer this world. 

I hope you can realize through your imperfection you are perfection. God makes no mistakes.

How do you deal with loving yourself through your flaws and imperfections?

Baddie, Baddie Girl, Baddie Truth, Perfectly Imperfect, Loving Yourself, Stop Worrying, Finding Happiness

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Baddie Girl Team By Posted on 0 2 m read 126 views

To stretch or not to stretch?

This is a question many people have asked when it comes to working out. Most of us were taught early in life that stretching is the most important thing to do before you start working out. This was so that you could warm your body and muscles up, and you would be looser, stronger, which would make you less susceptible to injury.

Now, some experts have people rethinking their pre-workout stretching routine. Here’s why.

Pre-exercise stretching has been said to be unnecessary and counterproductive. A study was published  in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, were they concluded that if you stretch before you lift weights, you may feel weaker than you were expecting during your workout.

Many of these experts believe that it’s better to warm up the muscles that you will be working on. Jumping jacks, and high leg kicks will help prepare your muscles for a more strenuous workout, rather than stretching alone.

On the contrary, other experts still believe that stretching is necessary, and can help strengthen muscles. They say many of your muscles are shortened during your work day, so stretching is good for preventing chronic pain. Did you know that stretching can reverse back pain that you may have from sitting at a desk for long periods of time.

When I was working at my last job, we all would sit at our desks for 8 hours a day or more. One of the guys there said it wasn’t good for us, and put pictures of different stretches we should do every hour to keep our blood pumping. This is an awesome idea.

So, if your job keeps you in the same position all day, do 2-minute stretch breaks. This will help to reverse that posture and help your joints from getting stiff.

How do you start your work out?

baddie girl, baddie, girl talk, stretch, brittney hood, blogazine, doctors, workout, fitness, excercise

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Neyara Nior By Posted on 1 2 m read 122 views

Did you know that January is self-love month?

Well it is, and it’s time we start loving every inch of our body,  cellulite and all!

Beauty norms and standards are changing generation to generation. Think about it. Cellulite was considered beautiful at one time. Some time ago, women who were hairy were considered to be women of wealth. A super thin waist was considered beautiful in the 19th century, so women would squeeze their internal organs out of their alignment to fit into a tight corset. The 1920s woman would bound her breast down to be more desirable. In the 1990s into the early 2000 the perfect female body was extremely thin with big boobs. Fast forward to today, big booties are deemed sexy.

Who knows what the next beauty norm will be?!

You have to determine your own beauty norms and standards. Ask yourself, what does beauty mean to me? You can’t look to media to determine if you’re beautiful or not. What if suddenly its decided that small fingers and hands are beautiful? Would you begin to wrap your daughters hands as a toddler, or would you begin to bind your hands as an adult, or both?

I believe you have two choices, accept your body as it is, or continue to look to media for their standard of beauty and continue to live feeling as though your body is subpar.

But at the end of the day you have to love yourself to be successful. Confidence is everything and if you are feeling insecure about your body people will be able to tell. If you don’t like something about your body change it until you feel absolutely confident. If you feel too short, where taller heels. If your lips are too small, where a clear lip gloss. If you feel fat, go work out. You have the power to change what you don’t like naturally. There is no need to go run under the knife.

So, for all the women who struggle with cellulite or  feel like their nose is too big, breasts are too small, or whatever, make peace with your body. You’re beautiful, so love your body because God gave it to you, and only you can rock it. So move on because there are more important issues at hand.

Baddie, Baddie Girl, Brittney, Hood, Blogazine, Thought, A, Worth, Value, Love, fighting, for, relationships, happy, self love, confidence, girl, talk, dating, advice, romance, woman, man, human, sex, sunlight, hand, sunrise, life, happiness, field, male, female, people, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, 20s, mixed-race, multi-ethnic, asian, ethnic, caucasian, african, american, hispanic, black, away, sunshine, family, togetherness, lifestyle, young, old, mature, holding, romantic, beautiful, background, picture, perfect, silhouette, couple, kissing, adult, together, valentine, space, happy, blog, write, communicate, effective, person, friends, fun, retro, help, free, positive

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Neyara Nior By Posted on 0 2 m read 3K views

Every woman wants to not only look sexy, but feel sexy from the inside out and this is what will make her a Baddie.


Sexy is a lot of things, but it has nothing to do with physical beauty or the “whole package.” Everyone is sexy in their own way. What is most important is personality.

But, when did sexy ever hurt anybody? It’s time we as women give sexy back its confidence, and find our confidence while embodying what sexy really means.

So are you wondering what is a baddie?

A Baddie is:

Beautiful. Being beautiful on the inside, and being open minded.

Respectful. Not demanding respect, but giving people respect to make them automatically respect you.

Trustworthy. Being a great listener, and someone that people can confide in and know that conversation won’t leave you two.

Intelligence. Being able to hold a, good, deep conversation while being comfortable about yourself and your surroundings.

Being you! Not caring what people say about you, and staying true to what makes you happy.

If we stop looking at a woman’s body and stop to see her soul, society would not be offended by the word sexy, or the fact that she considers herself to be a “Baddie.” However, many automatically think and see the physical attributes, and that is what makes a woman sexy, or a baddie.

If anything, confidence and passion while being humble and kind are some of the sexiest qualities needed to truly be a baddie.

It is time that we stop choosing body over spirit. If we do that, we will not be offended by the baddie mentality.

Let’s chat!

What does baddie mean to you?

baddie, baddie girl, girl talk, keep calm, message, brittney hood, blogazine, attitude, sexy, feel good, self worth, self love, love, pretty, cute, pearls, women, girls

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Neyara Nior By Posted on 0 3 m read 75 views

Working out can be something you look forward to everyday or a serious burden everyday. But whichever one it is, you have to do it!

You want to look good in every outfit! You want to be summertime fine in the summertime. Shoot! You want to be summertime fine all year!

For some people, they look forward to working out. It brings their life so much joy to go for a morning run, or spend three hours in the gym.

For others, it’s not so fun. So, if it is a burden for you, friends or workout buddies are a great way to add the much needed fun and excitement you need.

Some people like to workout by themselves. But sometimes its good to have someone there to help you push yourself, and talk to as your body burns from a good effective workout.

Here are a few reasons why friends and workout buddies are awesome to have.


It’s hard to get out of the bed and work  out. Or after a long day at work, go straight to the gym, but when you work out with friends, you all hold each other accountable for working out. You’ll feel bad letting your friends down for a 5 o’clock kickboxing class, and you don’t want to have to hide out, because you were being lazy.


You finally get to the gym, and you feel like walking right back out. Been there before? Well when your friends are in the mix its easy to get that extra push to try a new yoga class, or lift heavier weights. You’re friends will have your back when you feel like you can’t go any further with your workout.


Why are you still lifting the same 5-pound weights, from two weeks ago? You’re friends will have you pushing the limit. This is always a good thing. You’ll be closer to your weight goal in no time. Healthy competition is always good to have. Just remember to not go overboard. Too much competitiveness will have your friends not wanting to workout with you.


You can catch up on all of the latest news with your friends while you work out. You won’t event feel the burn as you talk and workout. Try a new dance or step class, and laugh throughout the entire class, because it doesn’t matter if you don’t get all the moves right.


Those pounds will come off, and there needs to be a moment of celebration. It’s easy to get into the routine of just working out, but take pleasure in actually loosing weight. Go out to dinner, go out for drinks, just don’t gain back all of the weight you worked so hard to loose. Celebrating never hurt anybody.


Here are some fun ideas for working out with a friend.

  • Try a class together that you might be too intimidated to try on your own.
  • Go on weekly hikes, walks and runs.
  • Get on your bikes and ride around. (Especially fun in the city!)

How do you feel about working out with friends?

baddie, baddie girl, brittney hood, blogazine, girl talk, Perfect, imperfect, attitude, love, happy, cute, self esteem, self love, self worth, value, girls, women, relationships, beauty, beautiful, gorgeous, texting, couple, health, eat, work out, fitness, sexy, body, friends, accountability, motivation

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Baddie Girl Team By Posted on 2 3 m read 286 views

Heels never go out of season, so it’s always important to know how to walk in them.

I wear heels just about everyday, and I often get asked “Girl, how do you walk in those heels all day?” I sometimes get comments about if my feet hurt, and I’ve even been asked if walking in heels is really hard. So of course I decided to write a post on walking in heels! I don’t have any innovative tips, because walking in heels is a learned skill. You can’t just put heels on and BAM! you can walk like Naomi Campbell. Its levels to this. To be successful in walking in heels you have to first have confidence.

So, with these few basic tips, that are below, you should be able to find the confidence you need to strut your stuff in the baddest heels, no matter how high or skinny the heel is.

BUY THE RIGHT SIZE: This seems simple enough, but women have the hardest time buying shoes in the right size. Do not try on one shoe, and not even get up. Also, do not try on a heel, and walk in that one heel to the mirror. That does not give you a good idea if it fits. When you go to the store try both shoes one, and see how they fit. Walk to the mirror in both heels, and then determine if they are a good fit.

START SMALL: If you are just starting out, don’t go for the sexy six-inch heel. You will fall, because you won’t be able to walk in them–at least not confidently, and a confident walk is everything to a Baddie’s Strut. This doesn’t mean you have to start with a one or two-inch heel–that isn’t baddie at all. This means go for a three or four-inch heel, and make sure the actual heel is not skinny, but thick. A thicker heel will help you to balance, and help you get comfortable wearing a skinnier heel.

PLACE ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER: Walk as though you are walking a straight line for an officer. When you put one foot in front of the other it aligns your figure. This gives your figure that hourglass look, like a goddess. Walking in a straight line also give your hips a new rhythm. You will instantly have a sexy hip sway that models are known for.

TAKE SMALL STEPS: Don’t expect to take long strides as if you’re walking barefoot. Walking in heels take time, so be careful. Do not be in a rush, but walk to your own tempo. This will also help you in pacing yourself, and making sure that you don’t miss a step.

PRACTICE: With everything practice is an essential part to becoming successful. Essentially that is what you are doing when you are breaking your heels in. So if you want to strut like the baddest you must practice. Walk on carpet, concrete, and slippery hardwood. You can watch videos, and read posts like these all day; however, if you don’t practice, you won’t be any good at it.

BREAK THEM IN: How do you break shoes in? Wear them! Not outside, wear them all around the house. Wear them when you are cooking, doing your makeup, vacuuming, washing dishes, walk up and down the stairs, and all of that.  It doesn’t matter if you aren’t completely comfortable in them, that is what breaking them in is for. Nobody will see you if you trip or stumble trying to get used to them. Better to stumble in the house, rather than out on a date.

CARRY FLATS: This is more than a tip, this is the most important rule when it comes to wearing heels. Heels do a number on your feet, and we want to stay away from blisters, and corns. Flats are blister and corn prevention. When your heels began to rub your feet the wrong way, it is okay to trade in your heels for flats. Keep a pair in your car, or purse if they can fit.

These are just a few tips to help you get your Baddie Strut started.

Give me some of your best advice for walking in heels?

baddie, baddie girl, girl talk, keep calm, message, brittney hood, blogazine, attitude, sexy, feel good, self worth, self love, love, pretty, cute, pearls, women, girls

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Neyara Nior By Posted on 0 3 m read 131 views

Every girl loves lip gloss.

The fascination started while we were young, when we were given the roller lip gloss in every shade, and flavor. I know you remember all the lip gloss you went through just to make sure your lips were poppin’, and of course the many bottles you lost from being young, with a low sense of keeping things in their rightful place.

Although you had all of that lip gloss, you still gave your mom the side eye when you noticed all of her lip stick. Sure the lip glosses you had, had color, but nothing like the colors your mom had, and you wanted some of that.

Lip stick says womanhood. It distinguishes the women from the girls, but as you get older and you find better lip gloss, when do you move into lip stick?

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with my best friend’s mom. We were talking about lip gloss versus lip stick. Of course my bestie and I, who were both in college at the time, agreed that we would never grow out of lip gloss. However, her mom simply stated that there will come a time in our life when we decide to move into lip stick, and that it happens to every woman. Both, my bestie and I, laughed at the comment, because we had a deep love for our lip gloss.

That all changed for me six months later when I decided to try a purple lip stick, thanks to Nicki Minaj. I went to the drug store, and one of my favorite brands were having a huge sale. I left the drug store with six new lip sticks ranging in colors. I had the coldest of pink to the purest of burgundy.

I felt awesome.

Then I decided to wear them to school, and work. I was getting compliments from everybody. I felt like I was the essence of a phenomenal woman.

When my bestie and I came back together the next summer, I walked in her house wearing my favorite shade of lip stick. She noticed immediately. I was so mad that her mom was right, but I had to give credit where it was due. She was right. I moved into lip stick, and it was a random day–out the blue. Her mom laughed our entire conversation. (Moms are always right!)

It took a minute for my bestie to move into lipstick, but she’s trying it now. But she’s still a sucker for lip gloss.

When it comes to lip gloss versus lip stick, it’s all about what makes you happy and confident. Lip gloss may make you feel cute, or sexy, or it could be something you’ve become used to, and comfortable with.

Lip stick is long wearing, I think that’s why I love it so much. Sometimes I like to put a light coating of lip gloss over my lipstick, but that’s only for extra va-va-voom!

If you still haven’t tried lip stick, go to the store and pick out at least three different colors. You may not like every shade you choose, but you have to start somewhere.

Lip Gloss or Lip Stick? What side are you on?

woman, applying, red, lipstick, human lips, mirror, makeup brush, sensuality, profile, human mouth, reflections, make-up, portrait, beatiful, pin-up, glamour, beauty, fashion model, horizontal, closeup

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Neyara Nior By Posted on 2 3 m read 312 views

When it comes to beauty, everybody has their two cents, which in some cases are awesome. Every woman has her own tip to do “this”, and a easier way to do “that” so why not share the goods! Everyone thinks they have the best beauty tips, but I have been doing my research!

On a recent trip to my grandmother’s house, it seems as though she tore me apart about things I honestly pay no attention to…like my elbows. But all is well, it was said out of love, and not disrespect. So I decided to share some of the awesome beauty tips she shared with me.


Knock out those glasses of water, I promise you won’t be disappointed. I hated drinking water, but now, I notice that not only does my skin feel better, my body feels better! Drinking water helps with your hydration, which helps your skin stay moisturized and glowing, boosts your metabolism, and keeps your energy levels up.


woman-feetI know I don’t have time to go get a pedicure every week or two, so to prevent dead-skin pileup I use a pumice stone in the shower. But it doesn’t end in the shower. I put vaseline on my feet when I step out of the shower, and put socks on. This helps my feet stay smooth and soft. You never know when you may get that unexpected foot rub. 🙂


Your eyebrows are the focal point of your face. So if you have no time to do your makeup, focus on your eyebrows. However, keep your brow fill-in very light, if you’re in a rush, it gives you a more natural look. I promise, filling in you’re brows is the fastest way to look pulled together. 


My grandma told me “Not to prime is a crime!” I didn’t understand, until I went shopping with my makeup artist friend, who went to a select store for her primer. I bought the same primer, and it instantly made my skin smooth, helped my makeup adhere and keep my face looking matte instead of shiny, and I suffer from oily skin.


This was something my grandmother stressed to me. She told me to take care of my neck.  So now I always moisturize my neck with cocoa butter in the day, and vaseline before bed. (By the way, I love vaseline!) 


There isn’t anything sexy about dry, flaky, or chapped lips. The best way to combat dry lips, it to apply vaseline to your lips, then using a toothbrush or clean mascara wand, scrub your lips, just remember to not be too rough. Afterwards, use a tissue to wipe away excess flakes and voila! You now have the sexiest lips on the block!


elbowsJust like your neck, it’s easy to forget about your elbows too. But your elbows need just as much protection and care as other parts of your body. Cure dry elbows by wiping them down with an antiseptic, this will help remove dirt, and turn your elbows back to their original color. Then massage Bio-Oil, or vaseline onto them daily. You’ll see and feel cleaner, and softer elbows in at least two days.


Wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine. Even when it’s cloudy. This will definitely help with your skin’s aging process. Find an unscented sunscreen if you don’t want to smell like sunscreen, and find one with a shimmer if you want to add that extra sexy.


It’s amazing how much gunk you’ll find in your makeup brushes, so it is imperative that you make sure you clean your brushes regularly to avoid a buildup of makeup residue and bacteria. You can purchase makeup brush cleaner from a drug or beauty store. 


Your smile is beautiful, so wear it proudly!

I know there are soooo many beauty tips out there, but I hope these 10 make beauty less complicated!
Tell me some of your favorite beauty tips in the comment section below.
BADDIE, GIRL, Blogazine, Blogazine, best beauty advice, best beauty secrets, best natural beauty tips, best beauty tips of all time, best skin tips best beauty tips, best, home, beauty tips, best beauty, tips blog, adult, human, girl, fashion, woman, beauty, people, beatiful, woman, person, black, face, make-up, portrait, glamour, female, skin, studio, african, young, 20s, multi-ethnic, jewellery, ethnic, dark, green, colours, turban, necklace

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