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We have all been in those situations, when we really like a guy, and we hope that he likes us back just the same, but his actions prove otherwise. The sad part is that we know he isn’t worth our time, and that we shouldn’t waste our time because we know our worth, yet we try and be perfect hoping he will notice.

The simple fact of the matter is, if a guy can’t recognize the greatness of who you are through you being you, he doesn’t deserve you. Here are a few quick suggestions on how to determine if a man is not worth your time.

10. He has too much baggage

A couple of baby mommas, a side chick, and bad credit. Don’t do it to yourself! Let’s keep this one simple: Don’t add extra baggage to your life that you don’t need.

9. You only hear from him through text messages

If you keep up with Baddie Girl, then you already know how I feel about text messages. If a guy ONLY communicates with you through texts, he may only want sex, or you’re just occupying time until he meets the girl he really wants. Men go after what they want, so if he isn’t putting real effort into you, then don’t get too emotional, because…he ain’t worth your time.

8. He’s In A Different State

This is not me saying that long distant relationships don’t work; however, if you meet a guy who happens to live 2,000 miles away from you, and you all met online, don’t start planning the wedding. I thoroughly believe in the saying, “out of sight, out of mind” and after a while if you all have not seen each other in person, the spark dies out. He will forget about you, and you will forget about him, so don’t try and force it!

7. He Has Fallen Off

If he used to call you everyday, but now you barely hear from him…he has officially fallen off. I’ll leave it to your besties to tell you that maybe he’s working or that he may have just gotten busy. I’m here to give you the truth. Yea, he may be busy, but busy don’t last always. If he puts any type of space between you two, where there was previously no space, he has fallen off. The End.

6. You Don’t Trust Him

If your man has done something to break your trust, please take time to heal. You cannot have a real relationship with that man if you’re always wondering what he’s doing, and if he’s up to no good. You should only be consumed with the positives of your relationship. If the relationship is worth another chance leave the negative in the past, and work towards a better future with him.

5. He Openly Flirts With Other Women

Blatant disrespect is an absolute no-no, yet some women love to act as though they don’t see it. Him flirting with the waitress who is taking your order, is not okay. It is never okay for a man to disrespect you, and public disrespect is just rude. You first have to respect yourself, and know your worth. It makes it easier for you to find a man who will treat you like the queen you are.

4. You Constantly Have To Defend His Actions

This can also be known as making excuses for a man.  I can go on for years about this one, so I’m going to leave this one at: Don’t do it! because It should never happen.

3. You’re Giving A Yard–He’s Giving An Inch

Giving should be natural on both ends. Just as much as you want to give of yourself, he should want to give of himself. You should never feel as though you are giving too much of yourself in any relationship. So, if you’re giving, giving, and giving some more, while all he’s doing is taking away…he ain’t worth your time.

2. You Have To Beg For Time

Spending quality time should be something you both want to do. It doesn’t matter if you all go for a walk in the park, have a picnic or have an illustrious date night. If you ever have to ask when are you going to spend time with a man, or when will you get some of his time…he ain’t worth your time.

1. Your Gut Tells You…He Ain’t Worth Your Time

We as women have an intuition that we sometimes ignore. All your intuition is, is your soul speaking wisdom to you. We will be talking to a man who resembles most, if not all of these qualities listed above, and still invest time into him. Let’s do better, collectively.

These are just a few of my ways to tell if a man is not worth your time. You may agree or disagree. If you disagree, please let me know. And, although this post is catered to the man in your life, it can also go for friends, and for the fellas the same apply to us women.

What are some attributes of someone who is not worth your time?

For advice on your relationships email:

Baddie, Baddie Girl, Brittney, Hood, Blogazine, Thought, A, Worth, Value, Love, fighting, for, relationships, happy, self love, confidence, girl, talk, dating, advice, romance, woman, man, human, sex, sunlight, hand, sunrise, life, happiness, field, male, female, people, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, 20s, mixed-race, multi-ethnic, asian, ethnic, caucasian, african, american, hispanic, black, away, sunshine, family, togetherness, lifestyle, young, old, mature, holding, romantic, beautiful, background, picture, perfect, silhouette, couple, kissing, adult, together, valentine, space, happy, blog, write, communicate, effective, person, friends, fun, retro, help, free, positive

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Anniversary-Three-13Over the weekend, I helped celebrate the 40th Ruby Anniversary of Three-13 Salon, Spa & Boutique in Marietta, Georgia. When I walked in, it looked like organized confusion, because there was so much going on, and even more things to do. I wasn’t sure if I could keep up, and I was told it is always crazy busy on the weekends, and I believe them. Although there was so much going on for this happy occasion, the time I spent at Three-13 was so exciting, yet relaxing at the same time.

I was given the opportunity to have a facial done by their Repechage International Educator, Lauren Streeter. Repechage is the only skincare line they carry, because it’s so amazing. I was so excited about this experience, because I cannot remember the last time I had a facial. I, of course, came with an unwashed face, because I wanted Lauren to see my skin in it’s true element, so that she could advise me for my future skincare.

imVebPCv9e3DbLFx-D5dUlYJ19FFPdpHoyoWDV8sNwEWhen it was time for me to go to the back, I was given a locker for my clothes, a robe, and flip flops to wear. There was a sweet young lady who waited for me, and when I was comfortable in my new Three-13 attire, she took me to another young lady who gave me a parrafin wax on my hands. This is a warm wax, that feels luxurious. I was given a few scents to choose from, I decided on coconut-melon, and it smelled amazing. I was told to wash my hands, and then to place my hands flat in the warm wax. She wrapped my hands in bags, and then I placed my hands in what seemed to look like oven mitts. After my hands were wrapped in warmth, I was taken to the “Quiet Zone.”

When I walked into my quiet room, I met a woman with flawless skin; it was the Repechage educator, Lauren.  She was really sweet.  When the warm wax had hardened, Lauren slide the wax off of my hands, and they looked, and felt great. My hands were rejuvenated, they glowed, and they were so smooth. She than accessed my skin, and told me that I had pretty good skin, but it was oily. She told me that, that can be a great thing for me. She said that oilier skin, like mines, ages slower. So my chances for getting things like crows feet, and wrinkles are less likely to occur. (Yay for me!)

After our talk, I laid down, under an electric blanket, and she began to cleanse my face. Then she did a Honey & Almond Scrub, by Repechage. Made with pure honey, oatmeal, and almond meal, the scrub was very light, but it made my skin feel very clean and fresh.


Almond Mask

When my scrub was done, she wrapped my face in heated towels, infused with Jasmine. It was so soothing. My skin was already starting to glow.

Jasmine Wrap

After all of this, there was still more to do. She pulled out this huge machine, that is known as a 7-in-1, and told me that we would be doing a galvanic.  She placed a cool face mask on me, that would be used with the galvanic to push moisture into my face. This was a little scary for me, since I couldn’t see it happening. I wasn’t allowed to move, because it could cause shock, and I had to hold onto a piece of metal, and it felt like little shock waves hitting my face. Overall, it wasn’t bad, and I enjoyed the experience.

7-in-1 Galvanic


Galvanic Moisture Mask

Lauren was the absolute best, and made me feel comfortable the entire time. She answered all of my questions, and when she finished working her magic, my skin felt clean, fresh, and light. She pulled all of the dirt out of my face. My skin-tone looked even, more defined, and tighter. I LOVE IT! Her advice to me was that I should get a facial at least once a month, and I to continue my at-home-care as well.I do just about eveything from masks, exfoliates, and daily cleansing, toning, and moisturizing.



My experience at Three-13 was just beautiful. I was treated like a goddess, but this wasn’t just the “Brittney Treatment” they treat every guest as the best. They have over one-hundred beauty gods that work in Three-13, and they are all busy, and very well educated on all things beauty. I was given a tour by an awesome guy, Jason, and he took me to all of the different stations within Three-13. There is a make-up bar, a color treatment area, a cut and style area, shampoo room, intimate manicure and pedicure rooms, and party rooms.

They have it all!

They are also having fabulous contests, giveaways, and specials going on for their 40th anniversary. So be sure to visit them!




I know mother’s day is approaching, and if you’re looking for something nice, but different, get her a gift card to Three-13 Salon, Spa & Boutique, and have her pampered. She will truly enjoy it.

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I know. It’s been a long time since I’ve given you all your weekly, ‘The Baddie Look’ but here it is!

Spring is here, and the weather isn’t sure what it wants to do. Here are three different looks that are sure to have you looking Baddie no matter the weather. 

A. Pink Me Please

When has gold and pink not looked good together? These colors compliment each other, and always bring out your skin’s natural beauty. Put a pair of light wash girlfriend jeans, a gold crop bustier, an all white blazer with gold accents, and gold pumps on, and you’re solid. Add statements of pink to your look through your purse, and makeup. With this look keep your makeup natural and pretty as you have enough bold pieces, and you don’t want to over-due your look.

Pink Me, Please

B. Spring Lovin’

The weather may be unsure of its self, but you don’t have to be unsure of your outfits! Be bold with your color choices. Yellow is always perfect for spring. Crop tops are fun, and you can add a pretty and bright jacket as one of your statement pieces. These pretty pastel Giuseppe heels are the perfect color addition to this look, bringing out one of the many colors in this beautiful Ted Baker print jacket. Don’t go over-board with your accessories, you don’t want to appear too gaudy, but do play up your make-up.

Spring Lovin

C. Diamond Rose

This is a look put together for the working girl, church girl, or for the perfect date night. It shows just enough, and has class for days. Because this look is very neutral, you can have fun with your accessories. Go red! Red nail polish. Red lip. Red bottoms (lol). Go BIG! Add earrings, bracelets, and a necklace to enhance your look, and give you that girly feel and you’re perfect.

Diamond Rose

Which one of these looks would bring out the Baddie in you? 

Baddie, Baddie Girl, Baddie Look, Style, Fashion, Accessories, Look Good, Feel Good, Bracelets, Polyvore, Fashion Sets, Blogazine, Brittney Hood, Spring Looks, Pink, Gold, Diamonds, Spring, summer, fashion, woman, car, friends, fun, spring, travel, chinese, sitting, new, sunglasses, old, freedom, road trip, female, vehicle, portrait, automobile, holiday maker, smile, cabriolet, transport, pink, lifestyle, young, retro, girl, mixed race, passenger, free, drive, person, help, beauty, outdoors, transportation, trip, vintage, beatiful, seductive, teenage, vacation, auto, asian, happy, road, cabrio, driver

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Paula Michelle and Trese’ don’t take it lightly when they say they want to take over the world – even Hollywood supports their movement. What are they after? A revolution for the woman who has been overlooked in society…the plus-sized woman.

It’s time to reinvent that woman, and this is just the mother-and-daughter duo for the job. I recently chatted with Paula about their Nfinite Form line of clothing. (Trese was unavailable for comment.)


Kyra: What do you all take the most pride in concerning your company, Nfinite Form?

Paula: I would have to say making women feel special, because this is what I find missing in today’s society. We do not get that special factor; we’re just not made to feel special by society. Trese and I take great pride in bringing that specialness to women in general.



Kyra: Tell me about the support you have gotten from Hollywood and the black community. I know actor Lamman Rucker participated in your New Jersey Full Figured Fashion Week.

Paula: When our models saw the lineup and caliber of stars that we had at the fashion shows, they felt really motivated by these talented individuals supporting them. The grand opening of our store was phenomenal; it was packed beyond capacity. The black community believes in what we believe in, that plus-size women should not be outcast.


Kyra: What is your perspective on promoting health for women, while simultaneously promoting self love and confidence in full-figured women?

Paula: We published an article defining “full-figured”, because society misunderstands. We embrace being full-figured; however, we have also given attention to reducing blood pressure, better diets and lower cholesterol. We will provide research and mentorship to help women be healthy.

Kyra: This goes deeper than apparel. What is your holistic message to women?

Paula: It starts with the mind. The mind is a very powerful muscle, but there are a lot of weak women because their self- esteem is low. You have to know your worth. You cannot begin to work on the body or the soul if the mind is not strong. It starts in the mind.



Kyra: How did you and your daughter begin Nfinite Form? You have a degree in English, and your daughter has a degree in childhood education. How did this translate?

Paula: All of us in our family are plus-sized women, but I’m a fashonista and my daughter Trese has a passion for teaching. We recognized that plus-sized women were not being portrayed as beautiful, and we wanted to make an impact. We combined our creativity, teaching backgrounds and fashion sense and created Nfinite Form. We wanted to show the sensuality of the plus-size woman and put her back into society where she belongs!


Kyra: Wow! You are really passionate about your business! When is the next runway project?

Paula: Yes, we live and breathe it. We are getting ready for Time Square Fashion Week and we will showcase the plus-size women with the smaller-size women — no runway segregation.


Kyra: So where do you see your company going in the future?

Paula: We want to take Nfinite Form to all fashion shows around the world — London, Paris. Our vision is to take over the world. We want the plus-size woman to be recognized globally, and we are the women to do it!

For more, you can follow them here!

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Hey Baddies!

Be sure to LIKE this video, and SUBSCRIBE to the Baddie Girl channel!

So this is the first video of the Baddie Talk Series. I wanted to make a quick video, because I seem to be catching a lot of negativity from men about my relationship posts. Guess they weren’t expecting me to call them out on their behavior. However, I hold these men accountable for their actions, and so should you!

I stand firmly behind every word I write, and I’m happy that many more women agree with me. I had to cut this video down A LOT. There was so much  I had to say, and I believe it still should be heard.

Read The Post That Made Me Do This Video!

Men who believe that a woman is not capable of giving advice are very misogynistic. We women are more than just “mammies” and housewives, who are only capable of keeping a home. We are very intelligent, and many of us are wise beyond our years.

For this man, and any other man, to say that women shouldn’t give women advice, says a lot about their character, and says more about where they feel a woman’s place is. Here is the post so that you can read it for yourself.

In essence, women have been giving advice since the beginning of time, which is why it’s not hard for us to come together and form a sisterhood. We help, we inspire and we uplift each other. It’s not always roses, and teddy bears, but we understand each other.

Ladies, continue to know your worth, and don’t let these misogynistic men insult our intelligence.

Tell me what you think.

How do you feel about women giving other women advice?

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