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Mess is everywhere, and in everything. You can have relationship mess, family mess, and job mess, there is always mess. But we can’t get stuck in mess. I had a mentor who would always tell me, “Brittney, don’t step in shit, step over it!” When I get caught up in some mess, I sometimes have to tell myself to step over it.

It took me a while to realize what my mentor meant by this. But in essence, it means that we have control over a lot of things. We may not have control over our skin color, race, or people’s actions, but we do have control over how we react to situations.  Sometimes it’s easy to step in mess; however, you can step over mess, by realizing what you have control over, and you will always have control of you. React in a way that will get you the positive results you want.

I’ve learned that when we continue in the cycle of mess, we deny ourselves the opportunity to grow. We do the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. However, to remove ourselves from the cycle of mess we have to move into a new thought process and do something different.

I was the reigning queen of the cycle of mess not too long ago. My first love popped back into my life, for the third or fourth time, (who’s really counting?) and of course, I allowed him back in. My arms, and heart were wide open. I was expecting him to give me better results from the last time when I had given him a second chance after he broke my heart.

See the cycle?

The same man who broke my heart a few years earlier, walked back into my life, again, and again, and I allowed it, expecting him to actually do the things he said he would do. You can’t do the same things over and over again and expect different results, the next time. Nothing in life works that way.

I had to realize what I did have control over. I had control over how I allowed him to treat me. I had control over not letting him use me for his own gain, as well as him hurting me.

Read: How A Man Can Use You For His Own Gain!

I was hurting myself every time I let him back in. I was stuck in my own cycle of mess. I was stuck for a while too, but I finally saw the light, which was my self-worth.

My cycle of mess with my first love, became second nature. I knew he would come back. It was hard for me to remove myself from my toxic situation and get out of that cycle of mess. Allowing him to come back into my life, time and time again, made me miss out on a lot. That’s time I won’t ever get back, which I’m okay with, now.

I was so worried about him, and concerned with what he was doing that I stopped doing me, and what made me happy. Blogging= Stopped. Hanging out with my girls= Stopped. Life= Stopped. I was sleepwalking through life, and that’s never okay.

See, it’s not the hand you’re dealt, but how you play the cards that makes the difference. We have to move out of the cycle of mess. Most times we create the cycle unknowingly, as I did with my first love. It is time for us to grow and prosper and be our best self, for our self. Even if it means removing ourselves from toxic relationships that we have grown accustomed to.

I say this to be a wake up call to you. If you’re sleepwalking because you’re in a cycle of mess, WAKE UP! Do not press snooze again, and allow the cycle to continue. You do not have to become a victim to other people’s actions. Realize what you have control over, and you have complete control over how you respond to mess. Every decision you make moves you towards something; make sure it’s positive.

For advice on your relationship, email:

Baddie, Baddie Girl, Brittney, Hood, Blogazine, Thought, A, Worth, Value, Love, fighting, for, relationships, happy, self love, confidence, girl, talk, dating, advice, romance, woman, man, human, sex, sunlight, hand, sunrise, life, happiness, field, male, female, people, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, 20s, mixed-race, multi-ethnic, asian, ethnic, caucasian, african, american, hispanic, black, away, sunshine, family, togetherness, lifestyle, young, old, mature, holding, romantic, beautiful, background, picture, perfect, silhouette, couple, kissing, adult, together, valentine, space, happy, blog, write, communicate, effective, person, friends, fun, retro, help, free, positive, group, teenage, friends, happy, hugging, couple, talking, holiday maker, travel, tour tourism, sunglasses, shades, hanging, out, style, fashion, clothes, teenage, lifestyle, girl, boy, young, woman, man, beatiful, smiling, people, person, concept, outdoors, student, together, friendship, cheerful, joyful, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, black, afro, african, american, international, multiracial, face

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I read your post about clarifying your relationship. What really stuck out to me, is when you said that it’s not you and him against the world if he hasn’t told you that. Well, what if he tells you that? What if he says that it’s just you and him, and that it’s “us” against the world, but he won’t clearly define the relationship, and he still talks to other girls.

Girl Help!

Hey, Girl Help!

I don’t know if this is your situation, so do not get offended when I say “you”He’ within my answer.

So it sounds like you’re dealing with a typical manipulative casanova. You know, the guy who wants several pieces of cake, and plans to eat every piece. He tells you everything you want to hear, because it sounds good, but his actions don’t line up. I know it’s easy to believe a man, when he says all of the right things, but remember his actions will always be loud and clear.

Clearly he is a liar.

Despite what he says, it is not you and him against the world because you know there are other girls in the picture. You do not have to allow him to treat you like you’re one of his options. Do not put yourself through the hurt he is setting you up for.

Think about it, if you move into an exclusive relationship with this man those other girls aren’t going anywhere. They’re there now, and he’s trying to make you believe that you’re his one and only, so what makes you think they’re leaving anytime soon? In essence, he’s telling you what you want to hear, but showing you what you don’t need in a relationship. Truth is, he could be saying the same thing to those other girls.

You are not alone, I’ve been there. I was talking to a guy and he talked about us getting married, for years! In my mind he treated me good. We had good open communication, he bought me the things I liked, and whatever I needed emotionally, he provided. I later realized that he had set me up for hurt. He was doing the same for another young lady.

That’s when it all clicked. He talked to me about marriage, but we weren’t even in a relationship. That doesn’t add up…at all. I was wrapped up in his words, and his actions lined up good enough for me. I dismissed the red flags that were waving in my face, because, he pacified me. He told me what he thought I wanted to hear, but I had to pick myself up and find my happy, and you have to do the same.

In your situation, realize that you are being pacified with his words. He is not committing to you. He’s committing to himself, doing what makes him happy, and right now that’s you and the other girls he’s talking to. Know that it is okay, don’t be upset, don’t go crazy, it’s a learning experience.

Realize now that you’re worth more than pretty words. Commit to yourself, and do what makes you happy. I’m sure treating him like a priority, while you’re his option isn’t what makes you happy. You are worthy enough to be someone’s priority.

For advice on your relationship email:

Baddie, Baddie Girl, Brittney, Hood, Blogazine, Thought, A, Worth, Value, Love, fighting, for, relationships, happy, self love, confidence, girl, talk, dating, advice, romance, woman, man, human, sex, sunlight, hand, sunrise, life, happiness, field, male, female, people, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, 20s, mixed-race, multi-ethnic, asian, ethnic, caucasian, african, american, hispanic, black, away, sunshine, family, togetherness, lifestyle, young, old, mature, holding, romantic, beautiful, background, picture, perfect, silhouette, couple, kissing, adult, together, valentine, space, happy, blog, write, communicate, effective, person, friends, fun, retro, help, free, positive

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Picture it!

You’ve been working all day. You finally get home, and  you get that one phone call you’ve been waiting for, from the one person you actually want to talk to: your new boo. Although you all just started talking, you can tell he really likes you. It’s obvious that he’s been thinking of you and wanting to call you and now you both can enjoy each other’s conversation.

Yea, that crap isn’t happening like it used to.

I’m coming to the harsh realization that we live in a society that values texting. Texting has become the way of life for so many people. So much that the younger generation is teaching their grandparents how to text!

Lord help.

I cannot stand texting. My patience runs thin when I have to wait for an answer, I know I can get instantly through a phone call. I’ve gone through some serious anxiety waiting for a text response, especially from a man. Not again. If I need you, I will call you; friend, man or relative.

My friends know I hate texting so they usually make an effort to call me, or at least treat me as if I’m a priority call if I do call. (Thank you y’all!) On the other hand, some of my friends have become just horrible with phone calls, but can text you back so fast you’ll still be one the phone waiting for them to pick up. They don’t even realize that this is a problem.

If you can’t communicate effectively through a phone with your girlfriends, how good is your communication with your man?

I’m only being honest.

The other day, me and my girlfriend went out for drinks. Her face was buried into her phone. Of course she was texting her boo. So I asked, “How often do y’all talk on the phone, you know, having an actual voice-to-voice conversation?” She hesitated, then answered, “often.” That little heifa couldn’t tell me the last time they had spoken on the phone. She blamed it on her not being a “phone person,” whatever that is. She thought it was funny, because, I, of course, turned it into an Oprah moment and got on her about it.

What did I tell her?

If that man ain’t over seas fighting for the Country, you should have an actual phone conversation at least two to three times a week. That’s if you all are serious about each other, or moving into being serious with each other. Along with some more of my opinion.

Listen. “Good morning,” and “Have a nice day” texts are sweet, but if you and your boo, aren’t having actual phone conversations, there is a problem. Trust me when I say this, you are NOT the only one getting those sweet text messages throughout the day.

Read: How To Not Loose Focus When You Get Those Sweet Text Messages

I, like a few others on this Earth, value a good phone conversation. Communicating through the phone allows you to become more intimate, and personal. This is the most important reason why you need to talk on the phone. Talking on the phone let’s you in on who a person really is, if you haven’t gone on that first date just yet. You can also learn things about your boo, if you pay attention. Here are a few things you can learn from talking to your boo thang over the phone.

If He Can Hold A Conversation of Substance

You both should be active in the conversation.  However, if he can’t hold your attention over the phone, imagine what will happen on a date. You’ can’t go to the movies forever! While on the phone, there may be a few awkward silences, this isn’t a bad thing, but see how he handles them. Does he just sit there, and listen to you breathe? Does he make small talk, or ask you something interesting? This can easily let you know what type of man he is.

What You All Really Have In Common

“What’s your favorite…” is cute in the beginning, but he should be asking questions that go into the depth of you as a person. You want to be on the same page. See how deep he goes into learning more about you, and what you all have in common. This will tell you if he’s interested in you, or what’s between your legs.  If you realize you aren’t interested in him, you won’t be able to hide or deny it.

Whether Or Not He Talks To You Or Talks At You

All I will say about this is, you will be able to tell if he actually pays attention to you and the things you say, or if he’s self-absorbed and only wants to talk about himself. It doesn’t matter how long you all have known each other, he should be interested in getting to know who you are as a person of interest, not his homeboy.

I will talk more in depth  about this at a later date.

If He’s Really All He Claims to Be

You can’t hide that you aren’t as intellectual as you claim to be on social networks while on the phone. He’s bound to show you his true colors at some point. Ask trick questions if you have to! It’s going to get real. If you have yet to go out with your new boo, you’ll be able to see him in his true essence over the phone. When you start seeing him for who he really is, assess whether he has potential to be something serious, or if he needs to sit over in the friend zone.

Stop texting so much! Pick up the phone and see what that man is really about. I’m not saying go call your boo right now. I am saying there should be more to your relationship than texting, especially in the beginning. One day tell him that you can’t text at that moment, and you will call him in about 20 minutes. See how he reacts. If you do call, and he doesn’t pick up, or call you back, and this happens at least twice, you know you’re not the only one, and he may not be that into you. Sorry boo. Go talk to somebody who wants to talk to you, and learn more about who you really are.

For advice on your relationships email:

baddie, baddie girl, brittney hood, blogazine, girl talk, Perfect, imperfect, attitude, love, happy, cute, self esteem, self love, self worth, value, girls, women, relationships, beauty, beautiful, gorgeous, texting, couple,

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