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New Year’s Resolutions will be rolling in shortly–if they haven’t started already. Most people are already thinking about what 2015 will have in store for them, what they want to improve and what more they want to accomplish. Although everyday you learn something new, and should be improving and enhancing yourself daily, the New Year is like a clean slate to many.

So what can you do to enhance and improve yourself and love?

Just like loosing weight, and poor eating, bad relationships should be something you should cleanse yourself of too. A bad relationship doesn’t always have to be with the person you’re dating. Bad relationships can be at work, school, or with family. A bad relationship is a bad relationship and it can plague your health just like not exercising, or eating fast food everyday.

So when thinking of what your New Year’s Resolutions for 2015 will be, add something to improve you and your relationships with others. Try these:

I’m no longer chasing and begging people to love me who treat me like I’m worthless.

I won’t judge myself off of what other people do.

I won’t continue to take love from the wrong man or woman.

I will love me more. I will choose me first.

Write these down, and put them on your wall, or somewhere you can see them everyday.

My Year

Let 2015 be about letting those people who hurt you, and don’t grow you go. All of those people who you aren’t sure about, the people who don’t dream as big as you, the ones who keep you stuck, disrespect you, use you or are just taking up space in your life: LET THEM GO!

You have to make the decision to let go of the things that are stressing and hurting you.

2015 will be here really soon, so if the New Year is your clean slate get ready. Make everything you do count, and don’t let anyone stop you from achieving your vision of success.

What’s your New Year’s Resolution?

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It’s not about finding your Mr. Right, it’s about preparing yourself for your perfect mate. He will be your Mr. Right.


Where the good men at?” “I’m looking for my Mr. Right!” “Where is my Mr. Right?


I’ve heard it, you’ve heard it, your momma has heard, and I can promise you, your grandmother has heard it too! Finding a good man has been the topic in all the girl talks around the world, and is usually the start to some good girlfriend conversation. But enough! I’m here to help my Baddie Girl’s out with this, so that we can put an end to the epidemic of women who are constantly asking, “Where is my Mr. Right?”

First things first, stop looking for a “Mr. Right.” Your Mr. Right does exist, but it is not your job to look for him. He should find you. You aren’t a hunter trying to capture a lion! So take off your looking for a man sneakers, and put your heels back on.

When I say don’t look for Mr. Right, this doesn’t mean you just sit at home, and hope he pops up when you need to run for gas, or go grocery shopping. No. You want to go live your life. You know what you like to do, so do it! Get out and go to places, and events that you love. Go wine tasting, or try that ballroom class you’ve been putting off. It’ll be easier to attract a great guy, that thinks you’re beautiful, and the awesome thing is that you will already have something in common.

An important element in preparing for your Mr. Right is showing yourself respect. You must present yourself accordingly. You attract what you put out. When you leave the house, you should walk with confidence, and know that you are worthy of greatness. In doing this, your attire, and attitude should compliment each other. If you dress like a lady, and act as one, you will attract a gentleman; if you dress risque, and act out of order, you will attract a guy that more interested in your physical attributes.

On the contrary, what you don’t want to do, is go to places where couples flock. So that couple’s cooking class your girlfriend asked you to go to with her, don’t go, because you’ll feel like the odd woman out when everyone there is coupled up with their special lover, and you’re there with your best friend. You also shouldn’t call your girlfriends, and say, “Where the men at tonight?” I understand, not wanting to be around a bunch of women every time you go out, when you’re trying to meet some nice men in your area. In order to come across those men, you have to not look for them, or think hard about it, but go out and have fun!

The hardest part in preparing for your Mr. Right, is knowing how to respectfully reject those men who don’t fit your needs. This sounds harsh, but it’s real life. There’s no need to take a guy’s number, whom you don’t intend on texting or calling ever in life, or giving your number to a guy who you don’t want texting or calling you. Being led on, with nowhere to go, doesn’t feel good, and in the end someone always gets hurt. So don’t lead a man on to no man’s land. If you’re not interested in a guy who is clearly interested in you, don’t have him waste anymore time on you, to stroke your ego. Politely let him know that you are not interested. No need to block your blessing, or his.

It’s simple. The keys to preparing yourself for your Mr. Right is, to stop looking for him, and let him find you; live your life doing the things you love to do; know yourself, and what you like; present yourself with the respect you desire, and know how to say no to the guys you are not interested in.

Now get out, and do what you love!

Baddie, Girl, couple, people, beach, ocean, morning, coast, sea, love, marriage, man, woman, white, back, date, vacation, sand, summer, trip, happy, holding, hand, caucasian

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The beauty of women.

We’re nurtures, we over-protect, we love hard, and a lot of other things. I get it. I understand. I’m a woman. But when are we going to stop doing this for others, and do it for ourselves?

I’ve noticed with my girlfriends and myself that we will nurture everyone, especially a man, but ourselves. It is time we nurture ourselves, be overprotective of our hearts and love on ourselves real hard, rather than waiting for someone to love on us. This way, we can be our best selves for ourselves, and truly be ready to nurture someone else, whether it’s our girlfriends, our man, or a child.

Honor thy self!

This is when it is okay to be selfish; acceptable selfishness, if you will. It’s you and the world. Love on yourself! Take a moment out of your day, every day, and do something for you. This is when you find your peace. Do the things you like to do and exploit the things that makes you happy, and do those things in abundance.

Take yourself to brunch, go to a book fair, visit the local museum you’ve been meaning to go to. HONOR THY SELF! Put you over everything and everybody.

I call it M.O.Y., Me Over You. If this sounds offensive, then you aren’t putting enough time into yourself. M.O.Y. means, I love you, but I love me more. You should never feel sorry about thinking of you.

Whenever my girlfriends are in crazy love situations I always ask first, “How much do you love yourself?” The answer is usually “a lot.” I usually rebuttal back with, “well, it sounds like you love him more than you love yourself, because you’re allowing him to hurt you.” That’s when the re-evaluation, with a different mindset, begins.

Read: How To Get Out Of Your Mess With A New Mindset

Men think this way all the time! Think about it.

When you really love you, and think with a M.O.Y. attitude, you evaluate situations differently. When you start putting yourself first, you react in a way that is positive for you. You have to do what’s best for you. Everybody is not going to react to situations the way you’d like, so it’s okay for you to stop, think about you, and then react, even if it means they aren’t happy with your decision.

Be protective of who you open up to, be careful of who you open your heart to, and nurture those who nurture you. Remember M.O.Y.: Me Over You-I love you, but I love me more.

For advice on your relationship, email:

Honor, Thy, Self, Baddie, Baddie Girl, Blogazine, Brittney Hood

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Ever notice how we often fight for the one’s who are our ultimate downfall, rather than the one’s who are team you, and want to uplift and inspire.

In relationships especially the romantic ones, we, as women, will fight for a man to stay, even when it’s apparent that his season in our life is over. I’ve learned that although it may be hard, if a man walks out of your life, the only reason you should stop him, is because you want to open the door for him to walk out of.

No need to ask questions, or try to talk it out with him. If he has made up in his mind that you are not worth fighting for, and wants to leave, let him leave. No need to fight for someone who isn’t fighting for you.

Easier said than done. I know. I’ve been there.

But what’s worse, fighting for a man who doesn’t fully respect who you are and the role you thought you played in his life, or letting him go? 

So just in case no one has told you, or maybe you haven’t been told in while, know that you are special, and are worth fighting for. You deserve someone who gives you the respect of trying to work out the kinks in your relationship rather than walking out on you just because times got tough.

Do not ever fight for someone to stay if hey would not do it in return for you.

Baddie, Baddie GIrl, Brittney Hood, Blogazine, Thought, A Baddie Thought, Worth fighting for, relationships, love, happy, self love, confidence, girl talk, dating, advice, romance, woman, man, human relationships, sunlight, hand, 2, sunrise, life, happiness, field, male, grass, summer, people, boyfriend, sun, lover, caucasian, female, girlfriend, away, sunshine, love, countryside, family, togetherness, lifestyle, young, girl, holding, sunset, outdoors, country, romantic, beatiful, background, silhouette, nature, couple, kissing, autumn, adult, together, valentine, space, happy, walk, back, walking

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I was asked to give my opinion and some advice on a young lady’s situation.

She feels as though she needs a plan b, because her boyfriend cheated on her.

So, why pack your bags and not leave? That’s what having a plan b is doing. You have one foot in your mess, and another foot trying to walk away.

Read: How To Get Out Of Your Mess

I don’t think you need a Plan B in your relationship, if you feel as though the relationship is not going to work, leave. It’s that simple.

Watch the video above to see my full response.

Do you have a Plan B? Do you think you need a Plan B in your relationship?

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I read your post about clarifying your relationship. What really stuck out to me, is when you said that it’s not you and him against the world if he hasn’t told you that. Well, what if he tells you that? What if he says that it’s just you and him, and that it’s “us” against the world, but he won’t clearly define the relationship, and he still talks to other girls.

Girl Help!

Hey, Girl Help!

I don’t know if this is your situation, so do not get offended when I say “you”He’ within my answer.

So it sounds like you’re dealing with a typical manipulative casanova. You know, the guy who wants several pieces of cake, and plans to eat every piece. He tells you everything you want to hear, because it sounds good, but his actions don’t line up. I know it’s easy to believe a man, when he says all of the right things, but remember his actions will always be loud and clear.

Clearly he is a liar.

Despite what he says, it is not you and him against the world because you know there are other girls in the picture. You do not have to allow him to treat you like you’re one of his options. Do not put yourself through the hurt he is setting you up for.

Think about it, if you move into an exclusive relationship with this man those other girls aren’t going anywhere. They’re there now, and he’s trying to make you believe that you’re his one and only, so what makes you think they’re leaving anytime soon? In essence, he’s telling you what you want to hear, but showing you what you don’t need in a relationship. Truth is, he could be saying the same thing to those other girls.

You are not alone, I’ve been there. I was talking to a guy and he talked about us getting married, for years! In my mind he treated me good. We had good open communication, he bought me the things I liked, and whatever I needed emotionally, he provided. I later realized that he had set me up for hurt. He was doing the same for another young lady.

That’s when it all clicked. He talked to me about marriage, but we weren’t even in a relationship. That doesn’t add up…at all. I was wrapped up in his words, and his actions lined up good enough for me. I dismissed the red flags that were waving in my face, because, he pacified me. He told me what he thought I wanted to hear, but I had to pick myself up and find my happy, and you have to do the same.

In your situation, realize that you are being pacified with his words. He is not committing to you. He’s committing to himself, doing what makes him happy, and right now that’s you and the other girls he’s talking to. Know that it is okay, don’t be upset, don’t go crazy, it’s a learning experience.

Realize now that you’re worth more than pretty words. Commit to yourself, and do what makes you happy. I’m sure treating him like a priority, while you’re his option isn’t what makes you happy. You are worthy enough to be someone’s priority.

For advice on your relationship email:

Baddie, Baddie Girl, Brittney, Hood, Blogazine, Thought, A, Worth, Value, Love, fighting, for, relationships, happy, self love, confidence, girl, talk, dating, advice, romance, woman, man, human, sex, sunlight, hand, sunrise, life, happiness, field, male, female, people, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, 20s, mixed-race, multi-ethnic, asian, ethnic, caucasian, african, american, hispanic, black, away, sunshine, family, togetherness, lifestyle, young, old, mature, holding, romantic, beautiful, background, picture, perfect, silhouette, couple, kissing, adult, together, valentine, space, happy, blog, write, communicate, effective, person, friends, fun, retro, help, free, positive

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Heels never go out of season, so it’s always important to know how to walk in them.

I wear heels just about everyday, and I often get asked “Girl, how do you walk in those heels all day?” I sometimes get comments about if my feet hurt, and I’ve even been asked if walking in heels is really hard. So of course I decided to write a post on walking in heels! I don’t have any innovative tips, because walking in heels is a learned skill. You can’t just put heels on and BAM! you can walk like Naomi Campbell. Its levels to this. To be successful in walking in heels you have to first have confidence.

So, with these few basic tips, that are below, you should be able to find the confidence you need to strut your stuff in the baddest heels, no matter how high or skinny the heel is.

BUY THE RIGHT SIZE: This seems simple enough, but women have the hardest time buying shoes in the right size. Do not try on one shoe, and not even get up. Also, do not try on a heel, and walk in that one heel to the mirror. That does not give you a good idea if it fits. When you go to the store try both shoes one, and see how they fit. Walk to the mirror in both heels, and then determine if they are a good fit.

START SMALL: If you are just starting out, don’t go for the sexy six-inch heel. You will fall, because you won’t be able to walk in them–at least not confidently, and a confident walk is everything to a Baddie’s Strut. This doesn’t mean you have to start with a one or two-inch heel–that isn’t baddie at all. This means go for a three or four-inch heel, and make sure the actual heel is not skinny, but thick. A thicker heel will help you to balance, and help you get comfortable wearing a skinnier heel.

PLACE ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER: Walk as though you are walking a straight line for an officer. When you put one foot in front of the other it aligns your figure. This gives your figure that hourglass look, like a goddess. Walking in a straight line also give your hips a new rhythm. You will instantly have a sexy hip sway that models are known for.

TAKE SMALL STEPS: Don’t expect to take long strides as if you’re walking barefoot. Walking in heels take time, so be careful. Do not be in a rush, but walk to your own tempo. This will also help you in pacing yourself, and making sure that you don’t miss a step.

PRACTICE: With everything practice is an essential part to becoming successful. Essentially that is what you are doing when you are breaking your heels in. So if you want to strut like the baddest you must practice. Walk on carpet, concrete, and slippery hardwood. You can watch videos, and read posts like these all day; however, if you don’t practice, you won’t be any good at it.

BREAK THEM IN: How do you break shoes in? Wear them! Not outside, wear them all around the house. Wear them when you are cooking, doing your makeup, vacuuming, washing dishes, walk up and down the stairs, and all of that.  It doesn’t matter if you aren’t completely comfortable in them, that is what breaking them in is for. Nobody will see you if you trip or stumble trying to get used to them. Better to stumble in the house, rather than out on a date.

CARRY FLATS: This is more than a tip, this is the most important rule when it comes to wearing heels. Heels do a number on your feet, and we want to stay away from blisters, and corns. Flats are blister and corn prevention. When your heels began to rub your feet the wrong way, it is okay to trade in your heels for flats. Keep a pair in your car, or purse if they can fit.

These are just a few tips to help you get your Baddie Strut started.

Give me some of your best advice for walking in heels?

baddie, baddie girl, girl talk, keep calm, message, brittney hood, blogazine, attitude, sexy, feel good, self worth, self love, love, pretty, cute, pearls, women, girls

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